До настоящего времени идет дискуссия насколько эффективна эта операция в в качестве первичной и вторичной профилактики инсульта. Сейчас она применяется в ряде европейских стран и странах постсоветского пространства. |
По каротидным стенозам за последние 10 лет было всего 10 (!) исследований, достойных внимания. Из них 4 были посвящены стентированию. Из них опубликовано только 2 (!), остальные только презентированы на митингах. Если вам интересно, то давайте проведем небольшой анализ имеющихся данных и посмотрим с чем же мы все-таки имеем дело.
ARCHeR Цитата:
Исследований по стентам несколько
1. ARCHeR. Not published. Presented in 2003. All patients underwent stenting of the internal carotid artery using the Guidant ACCULINK™ Carotid Stent System. A total of 278 patients were also treated with the ACCUNET™ Embolic Protection System. As you mentioned the results were: The procedural success rate was 92.7%. Visible debris was present in 57% of baskets. Death, myocardial infarction (MI), or stroke occurred in 7.8% of patients by 30 days. Stroke occurred in 5.3% of patients by 30 days, the majority of which were minor ipsilateral strokes (3.7%), with major stroke occurring in 1.6% of patients. The rate of 30-day mortality was 2.3%, and 30-day MI was 2.1%. Problems: no randomisation or comparison with CE. So we can not make any conclution about the comaparative safety of the two. 2. BEACH. Very similar trial but using a different device. Again no comparison arm present. No conclusions can be made. 3. CAVATAS, published in 2001. Randomized trial of angioplasty with stenting and surgery. Very similar results in terms of complications and stroke rates. More restenosis in the endovascular group in one year 14% vs 4% 4. SAPPHIRE. We all know. The study showed that the stents are at least as good if not better then the CE short term. The longterm results will be vailable soon and are probably going to be somewhat worse for the stents due to reocclution and progression rates. Conclusion 1. Stenting was compared to CE in only 2 RCT 2. In both of them it produced similar results in terms on the rates of complications and strokes 3. There is some data from the earlier study suggesting a higher rates of reocclussion in one year follow up 4. Long term outcome data are on the way Based on this stenting with proper thromb protection techniques could be recommended to selected candidates. In the future stenting may become a prefered method. |
Как после стента будем оперировать рестеноз? Хотя многие из них до рестеноза не доживут...