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Старый 23.02.2002, 18:57
Regina Regina вне форума
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Регистрация: 20.11.2001
Сообщений: 41
Regina *
Добрый день, ув. д-р Живов

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Главное же, что мне неизвестны реальные пути восполнения концентрации цинка в простате.,,,,,,,,,,

Простата кровоснабжается, поэтому вполне логично думать, что цинк поступает туда из кровеносного русла...

,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Я не видел сколь либо серьезных работ, доказывающих, что оротат цинка, аспартат цинка, гистидинат цинка при их приеме внутрь дают повышение клнцентрации этого микроэлемента в предстательной железе",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
Возможно, если как следует поискать, найдется работа, где именно такая фраза стоит... Я быстренько поискала и нашла такие цитаты, которые свидетельствуют о роли цинка в рассматриваемой проблеме:

О ЛЕЧЕНИИ АСТЕНОЗООСПЕРМИИ СУЛЬФАТОМ ЦИНКА (с такого пациента и началась вся эта дискуссия) :
Treatment of asthenozoospermia with zinc sulphate: andrological, immunological and obstetric outcome.
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1998 Aug;79(2):179-84 (ISSN: 0301-2115)
Omu AE; Dashti H; Al-Othman S
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kuwait University, Safat.
OBJECTIVES: The role of zinc therapy on infertility caused by defective sperm quality is examined. STUDY DESIGN: In this study, 100 men with asthenozoospermia were randomised into two groups--250 mg twice daily zinc therapy for 3 months and no therapy. The patients were followed up for another 6 months. Sperm parameters, circulating antisperm antibodies, sex hormones and T helper cytokines were evaluated before and after treatment for the two groups. RESULTS: There was significant improvement in the sperm quality; sperm count (P<.02), progressive motility (P<.05), fertilising capacity (P<.01) and a reduction in the incidence of antisperm antibodies (P<.01). Zinc/cadmium was higher in the zinc therapy group (P<.02). T helper cytokine, interleukin-4 level was significantly higher after zinc therapy (P<.02) while TNFalpha showed a significant decrease (P<.05). CONCLUSIONS: Zinc therapy has a role in improving sperm parameters in men with asthenozoospermia, probably through its membrane stabilising effect as an antioxidant and its effect on cellular and humoral immunity by reducing the levels of antisperm antibodies and TNFalpha and increasing that of IL-4.

Zinc and cadmium analysis in human prostate neoplasms.
Biol Trace Elem Res 1997 Winter;59(1-3):145-52 (ISSN: 0163-4984)
Brys M; Nawrocka AD; Miekos E; Zydek C; Foksinski M; Barecki A; Krajewska WM
Department of Cytobiochemistry, University of Lodz, Poland.
The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that prostatic cancer is associated with the changes of zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) concentration. Normal prostate, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostatic carcinoma (PCA) were analyzed for Zn and Cd by atomic absorption spectrometry. Cd level was measured using a graphite furnace and Zn level was measured by flame mode. Metal content was assessed in whole tissues and in nuclear, plasma membrane, and cytosolic fractions. An increase of Zn content in BPH, but a decrease in PCA as compared to normal tissue, was observed. Cd concentration appeared to be higher in BPH and PCA than in normal tissue. No correlation between Zn and Cd level was found in BPH specimens obtained from the same patients. Probability values of p < or = 0.05 were considered to indicate significant differences. Obtained results seem to support the hypothesis of Cd carcinogenicity and preventing function of Zn in prostatic cancer. Plasma membrane fraction corresponding to lysosomal, mitochondrial, and microsomal subcellular compartments are probably critical in Zn and Cd participation in human prostate neoplasms.

Comparison of zinc concentrations in blood and seminal plasma and the various sperm parameters between fertile and infertile men.
J Androl 2000 Jan-Feb;21(1):53-7 (ISSN: 0196-3635)
Chia SE; Ong CN; Chua LH; Ho LM; Tay SK
Department of Community, Occupational and Family Medicine, the National University of Singapore, Republic of Singapore. [Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ].
The aim of the study was to examine the relationships between concentrations of zinc in blood and seminal plasma and sperm quality among infertile and fertile men. One hundred seven male (infertile group) partners of couples who were undergoing investigation for infertility with no known cause for the infertility and 103 men (fertile group) whose wives were pregnant at the time of the study were recruited. The subjects' blood and seminal plasma concentration of zinc were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Except for semen volume, all the other semen parameters for the infertile men were significantly lower than those for the fertile group. The geometric means of the seminal plasma zinc concentration were significantly lower in the infertile group compared with those in the fertile group; 183.6 mg/L (range, 63-499) versus 274.6 mg/L (range, 55-420). There were no significant differences in the geometric means of the blood zinc concentration between the 2 groups. Seminal plasma zinc concentration was significantly correlated with sperm density (r = 0.341, P < .0001), motility (r = 0.253, P < .0001), and viability (r = 0.286, P < .0001). On the basis of the findings of this study and those of other reports, zinc may contribute to fertility through its positive effect on spermatogenesis.

Chronic cadmium toxicity to sperm of heavy cigarette smokers: immunomodulation by zinc.
Arch Androl 1999 Sep-Oct;43(2):135-40 (ISSN: 0148-5016)
Al-Bader A; Omu AE; Dashti H
Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University, Safat.
The aim of the study was to investigate the role of zinc therapy in 125 male cigarette smokers with infertility. The mechanism involved in the zinc/cadmium relationship was evaluated through the effect of a zinc-deficient diet and supplementation on testes of male adult Sprague-Drew rats. Heavy smoking was associated with low sperm count, motility, and morphology and increased seminal cadmium levels. Zinc therapy improved sperm quality and increased seminal IL-4, but reduced TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma. A zinc-deficient diet led to high cadmium testicular accumulation comparable with those supplemented with cadmium. Cadmium had a linear correlation with TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma, but not with IL-4. Cytology of testicular aspirate and histopathology were normal in supplemented groups as in controls. These results indicate that zinc modulates the putative effect of cadmium through its enhancement of T-helper 2 cytokines expression and down-regulation of T-helper 1 cytokines.

Zinc levels in seminal plasma and sperm density.
Ginekol Pol 1998 Jun;69(6):490-3 (ISSN: 0017-0011)
Robak-Cholubek D; Jakiel G; Bakalczuk S; Bokiniec M
Dept of Reproduction and Andrology, University School of Medicine, Lublin.
Zinc levels in seminal plasma were measured. The study was done on 122, random selected males from infertile couples. The atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used. Sperm density of ejaculate was also determined. These parameters were compared in subgroups: normospermic and oligospermic and in classes of variable oligospermic severity. Semen serum zinc levels in normospermic men was significantly increased as compared to oligospermic men. There were no significant differences in zinc levels between the different classes of oligospermia.

Male infertility: nutritional and environmental considerations.
Altern Med Rev 2000 Feb;5(1):28-38 (ISSN: 1089-5159)
Sinclair S
Green Valley Health, Hagerstown, MD 21742, USA.
Studies confirm that male sperm counts are declining, and environmental factors, such as pesticides, exogenous estrogens, and heavy metals may negatively impact spermatogenesis. A number of nutritional therapies have been shown to improve sperm counts and sperm motility, including carnitine, arginine, zinc, selenium, and vitamin B-12. Numerous antioxidants have also proven beneficial in treating male infertility, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione, and coenzyme Q10. Acupuncture, as well as specific botanical medicines, have been documented in several studies as having a positive effect on sperm parameters. A multi-faceted therapeutic approach to improving male fertility involves identifying harmful environmental and occupational risk factors, while correcting underlying nutritional imbalances to encourage optimal sperm production and function.

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