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nastassia 17.11.2009 17:03

Интересные появляющиеся статьи
Long-term efficacy of a single course of infliximab in hidradenitis suppurativa

B. H. Thiers, MD; Courtesy of Eclips Consult ([Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ])




Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by abscess formation, predominantly in the axillae and groins. The disease is difficult to treat and has a severe impact on quality of life. Recently, several case reports have been published describing successful treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa with infliximab and other tumour necrosis factor α inhibitors.


To evaluate the long-term efficacy of a single course of infliximab.


Ten patients with severe, recalcitrant hidradenitis were treated with infliximab (three infusions of 5mgkg−1 at weeks 0, 2 and 6) and followed up for at least 1 year. The disease activity was measured using laboratory parameters and a recently developed acne score. The patients rated the efficacy of infliximab on a 10-point scale at regular intervals. Quality of life was measured before and after treatment using the Dermatology Quality of Life Index (DQLI).


All patients improved within 2–6 weeks. The average acne score diminished from 164±50 (mean±SD) before treatment to 89±49 after 1 year (P=0·002). The mean CRP (C-reactive protein) was reduced from 31·7mgmL−1 to 5·5mgmL−1 after 1 month (P=0·015). Patients judged the efficacy with a score of 7·9. The mean DQLI was reduced from 18·4±7·9 before treatment to 9·3±9·1 after 1 year (P=0·007). In three patients long-lasting improvement was observed, with no recurrence of lesions in a 2-year follow-up period. The other patients showed recurrence of lesions after 8·5 months (range 4·3–13·4 months).


Infliximab is an effective treatment in severe hidradenitis suppurativa, leading to reduction of symptoms for a prolonged period.

Commentary by B.H. Thiers, MD

Posted Date: 11 Jun 2009

Evidence Ranking: B

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a debilitating chronic inflammatory condition of apocrine glands that is highly refractory to treatment. Although some physicians believe it may be related to acne (hence its alternate designation, acne ectopica or acne inversa), the condition responds poorly to treatments used for acne, and even isotretinoin is often ineffective, despite the use of doses higher than one would typically use for treating acne vulgaris. Nonspecific antiinflammatory therapy, including systemic corticosteroids, is useful for short-term control, although long-term administration in a chronic disease such as this is fraught with unacceptable complications. The hypothesis that the proinflammatory cytokine, TNF-α, may be involved in the pathogenesis of hidradenitis has led to numerous case reports of the use of TNF-α inhibitors as a possible treatment. These reports have yielded mixed results. In the study by Mekkes and Bos, a single course of 3 infusions of the TNF-α inhibitor, infliximab, led to short-term improvement in all 10 patients, although 7 relapsed an average of 8.5 months after therapy. A previous study by Fardet et al included 7 patients with hidradenitis who were treated with 3-4 infusions of infliximab.[1] Again, most improved in the short-term, but most relapsed later. In both of these studies, adverse drug reactions were seen in a significant minority of patients. Taken together, the data appear to suggest that TNF-α inhibitors, specifically infliximab, may have some short-term benefit for treating hidradenitis, but maintenance infusions will be necessary to maintain improvement.


1. Mekkes JR, Bos JD, et al: Long-term efficacy of a single course of infliximab in hidradenitis suppurativa. Br J Dermatol 2008; 158:370-374.

FBN 29.12.2009 01:02

Немного не в тему, но не знаю, куда еще эту информацию можно поместить.
На сайте Американсткой академии дерматологии можно скачать несколько руководств по лечению некоторых актуальных кожных заболеваний (акне, атопического дерматита, псориаза и псориатического артрита):
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Dr.Vad 23.02.2010 20:44

Местное лечение мелазмы (обзор)
применение доказанных и экспериментальных средств и их комбинаций в недавнем обзоре


Indian J Dermatol. 2009 Oct–Dec; 54(4): 303–309.

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nastassia 23.02.2010 23:21


Dr.Anisimova 26.02.2010 03:03

- ненавязчивая статья по ювенильному ладонно-подошвенному дерматозу
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- еще попадалась статья о возможной связи с АД/атопией или как возможная форма атопии
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"Palmar and plantar dermatitis.— When 2452 newly hired hospital workers were studied, the incidence of the development of hand eczema was three times higher in those who were atopic.[111] In addition, hand eczema has been noted to occur in 70% of children with AD.[112] Atopy has been reported to occur in up to 57% of patients with juvenile palmar-plantar dermatosis.[113]
Eczema on the palms and soles presents as a glistening erythema with varying degrees of scaling and fissuring. Lichenification results from the constant rubbing of the xerotic palmar and plantar skin. The dorsum of the hands may or may not be similarly involved. The non-weight-bearing areas of the soles and interdigital spaces are spared. Sparing of the interidigital spaces should defer consideration of a possible dermatophytic infection. The condition runs a chronically relapsing course with worsening in winter, but persistent lesions are noted in approximately 40% of patients.[114]"

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Альтернатива в лечении устойчивой идиопатической хронической крапивницы(дапсон или колхицин) :
"Successfully treating patients with resistant chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU) frequently requires augmenting antihistamine therapy with dapsone or colchicine, an expert says."

- ретиноиды анти-age(кроме глубоких морщин) и профилактика фотостарения(статья-дискуссия)
Topical retinoid treatments effective for brown spots, fine wrinkles
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- возможные причины линейной пигментации(химиотерапия, блеомицин)
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- возможный триггеры(чесотка) буллёзного пемфигоида:
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- дооперационная обработка хлоргексидином лучше, чем йодом:
"Conclusions Preoperative cleansing of the patient's skin with chlorhexidine–alcohol is superior to cleansing with povidone–iodine for preventing surgical-site infection after clean-contaminated surgery. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00290290 [ClinicalTrials.gov] .)"
Efficacy Study of Antiseptic Preoperative Scrubs in Prevention of Postoperative Wound Infections
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- предлагается замена:
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- об ассоциации внутренних болезней с кожными симптомами
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- у невакцинированных детей более высокий риск ветрянки(почти в 9 раз), чем у вакцинированных
Conclusions Children of parents who refuse varicella immunizations are at high risk of varicella infection relative to vaccinated children. These results will be helpful to health care providers and parents when making decisions about immunizing children.
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- о, актуально, обсуждаются дерматологические проблемы гинекологии(много пациенток с симптомами без выясненной причины-зуд, жжение-в разделе гинекологии)
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- о "высоком" и нам недоступном в лечении псориаза(сравнение препаратов)
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"Conclusions The efficacy of ustekinumab at a dose of 45 or 90 mg was superior to that of high-dose etanercept over a 12-week period in patients with psoriasis. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00454584 [ClinicalTrials.gov] .) "

- химиопрофилактика базально-клеточной карциномы с НПВС у генетич. предрасположенных(PTCH1+/−) людей и мышей
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- иссечение вишневых ангиом:
Arch Dermatol. 2010;146(1):33-37.
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"Conclusions Cherry angiomata can be effectively treated with electrodesiccation and with laser. Laser, especially PDL, may minimize the likelihood of treatment-associated textural change. "

- редкий KID-синдром(Keratitis, ichthyosis, and deafness)
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- косметические составляющие:
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чего стоит избегать:
" Acne — Avoid mineral oil, beeswax, jojoba oil, coconut oil, palmitates.
- Dry skin — Avoid certain surfactants, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, soaps with sodium tallowate, witch hazel and salicylic acid.
- Sensitive skin — Avoid the same surfactants listed for those with dry skin. Some alpha hydroxy acids, such as glycolic and lactic acids, should also be avoided. "

- детали лечения акне у женщин:
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Dr.Volgina 26.02.2010 03:43


Dr.Vad 02.03.2010 01:52

Дерматология новорожденного: сыпь и родимые пятна

Newborn skin: Part I. Common rashes.
O'Connor NR, McLaughlin MR, Ham P.
Am Fam Physician. 2008 Jan 1;77(1):47-52. Review.

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Newborn skin: Part II. Birthmarks.
McLaughlin MR, O'Connor NR, Ham P.
Am Fam Physician. 2008 Jan 1;77(1):56-60. Review.

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Dr.Vad 12.04.2010 22:30

Nail Abnormalities: Clues to Systemic Disease.

Am Fam Physician. 2004 Mar 15;69(6):1417-24

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Dr.Vad 14.04.2010 18:53

Выпадение ресниц - мадароз (Madarosis):

Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2008 Jan-Feb;74(1):74-6.
Madarosis: a dermatological marker.

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Dr.Anisimova 27.05.2010 08:42

- обсуждение редкого дерматоза (болезнь Гужеро – Карто, сливающийся и сетчатый папилломатоз); интересен диф. диагноз с более часто встречающимися дерматологу проблемами(отрубевидный лишай)
Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis(CARP)
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- о нем в emedicine:
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Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis: favourable response to low-dose isotretinoin
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- интересный неклассический вариант Т-клеточной лимфомы кожи, первично-опухолевая форма в блоге уважаемого коллеги Сергеева Ю.В.
Т – клеточная лимфома кожи: «обезглавленный грибовидный микоз».
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- топическое применение имиквимода получило одобрение FDA для лечения актинического кератоза:
Zyclara topical cream (imiquimod 3.75 percent) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat actinic keratoses (AKs), a precancerous condition that's commonly found on skin frequently exposed to the sun.
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Dr.Anisimova 11.09.2010 09:33

из последних новостей
- появились более значимые данные по ассоциации демодекса и патологии кожи
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Retrospective Analysis of the Association Between Demodex Infestation and Rosacea
Arch Dermatol. 2010;146(8):896-902. doi:10.1001/archdermatol.2010.196
Conclusions: A significant association exists between Demodex infestation and the development of rosacea. Demodex infestation is a vital risk factor for rosacea according to the time-to-event relationship, and the degree of infestation played a more important role than did the mite infestation rate in the development of rosacea.

Aggravating factors for melasma: a prospective study in 197 Tunisian patients
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(после регистрации доступен полный текст)
Our findings confirm that among women with melasma, the most severe forms of disease commonly appear in women with dark phototypes, those exposed to oral contraceptives and those who have been particularly exposed to the sun during their lives. These severe forms of melasma, which seem to appear more frequently when the disease appears before the age of thirty, generally lead to severe deterioration in quality of life. The study of melasma in this type of population is of major importance because of aesthetic damage in dark-phototype patients, the lack of efficacy of current treatments, non-compliance with photo-protection recommendations and the challenge represented by treatment.

Comparative study of trichloroacetic acid versus glycolic acid chemical peels in the treatment of melasma
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Risk Factors for Single and Multiple Basal Cell Carcinomas[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
Conclusion* Patients who are relatively young at their first BCC diagnosis, those with red hair, those with higher socioeconomic status, and/or those with a BCC lesion on their upper extremities have a higher risk of developing multiple lesions and require closer follow-up over time.

- корреляция между уровнем пролактина и клин.проявлениями псориаза:
Serum prolactin levels in psoriasis and correlation with cutaneous disease activity
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Conclusions. These results indicate that serum PRL levels may serve as a biological marker of psoriatic disease activity.

Bone Marrow Transplantation for Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa
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Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa is an incurable, often fatal mucocutaneous blistering disease caused by mutations in COL7A1, the gene encoding type VII collagen (C7). On the basis of preclinical data showing biochemical correction and prolonged survival in col7 ?/? mice, we hypothesized that allogeneic marrow contains stem cells capable of ameliorating the manifestations of recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa in humans.
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- пиво/риск псориаза у женщин
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Alcohol Intake and Risk of Incident Psoriasis in US WomenConclusions: Nonlight beer intake is associated with an increased risk of developing psoriasis among women. Other alcoholic beverages did not increase the risk of psoriasis in this study.

- контактный дерматит на туалетную бумагу
The Hazards of Moist Toilet Paper
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Conclusion This study highlights that the MCI/MI in moist toilet paper can be a cause of perianal and perineal allergic contact dermatitis.

Neonatal dermatological emergencies
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Journal allows access to PDF only to subscribers and users from INDIA.
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- нет какой-либо корреляции:
Serum vitamin B12, folate, ferritin and iron levels in Turkish patients with vitiligo
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Acyclovir versus valacyclovir
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Prescribing and dispensing of isotretinoin: A survey
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Lack of association between extramammary Paget's disease and human papillomavirus infection
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- курение/риск генитальных бородавок:
Association between smoking and genital warts: longitudinal analysis
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Conclusions: Smokers experienced a moderately increased risk of being diagnosed with genital warts. This finding could be explained by the immunosuppressive effects of nicotine, or by confounding not accounted for in the adjusted model.

Differential association of ureaplasma species with non-gonococcal urethritis in heterosexual men
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Conclusions Unlike U parvum, U urealyticum was associated with urethritis. The strong effect in younger white men and high rates in controls may suggest variability in virulence among U urealyticum strains or in host innate or acquired immunity.

Minocycline in Acne Vulgaris: Benefits and Risks
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Considering the aspects of efficacy, its adverse effect profile, resistance, price, and alternatives, minocycline is no longer considered the first-line antibacterial in the treatment of acne.

- доступно после регистрации:
Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis
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Genital Herpes: 21st Century Update
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A Comparative Study of Dyslipidaemia in Men and Woman with Androgenic Alopecia
Female patients with androgenic alopecia showed significant higher triglycerides values (123.8 vs 89.43 mg/dl, p?=?0.006), total cholesterol values (196.1 vs 182.3 mg/dl, p?=?0.014), LDL-C values (114.1 vs 98.8 mg/dl, p?=?0.0006) and lower HDL-C values (56.8 vs 67.7 mg/dl, p

Androgenetic alopecia and cardiovascular risk factors in men and women: a comparative study
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The determination of metabolic syndrome and ultrasound study of the carotid arteries may be useful screening methods to detect risk of developing cardiovascular disease in male and female patients with early-onset AGA and signal a potential opportunity for early preventive treatment.

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Original Article: Quantitative detection of melanoma-associated antigens by multimarker real-time RT-PCR for molecular staging: results of a 5*years study
Conclusions: Statistically significant tumor marker elevation during the first 2*years after the surgical treatment correlates with a worse prognosis of patients. In contrast, the group showing negative real-time RT-PCR results in 24*months serial blood testing was associated with prolonged 5-year disease-specific survival. Therefore, quantitative detection of melanoma-specific molecular markers in the presented setting represents a useful tool for selecting patients in a higher risk of disease recurrence.

The Effect of Narrowband UV-B Treatment for Psoriasis on Vitamin D Status During Wintertime in Ireland
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Conclusions* Narrowband UV-B effectively increases serum 25(OH)D level while clearing psoriasis. Up to 75% of Irish patients with psoriasis were shown to be vitamin D insufficient during wintertime.

Dr.Anisimova 11.09.2010 09:48

- психодерматология(риск психических изменений у пациентов с псориазом)
The Risk of Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidality in Patients With Psoriasis
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Conclusions* Patients with psoriasis have an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and suicidality. We estimate that in the United Kingdom, in excess of 10*400 diagnoses of depression, 7100 diagnoses of anxiety, and 350 diagnoses of suicidality are attributable to psoriasis annually. It is important for clinicians to evaluate patients with psoriasis for these conditions to improve outcomes. Future investigation should determine the mechanisms by which psoriasis is associated with psychiatric outcomes as well as approaches for prevention.

Prediction of the incidence, recurrence, and persistence of atopic dermatitis in adolescence
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Genetic factors, early allergen sensitization, and having worked in a high-risk job seem to be more important for disease development in late adolescence than other early-life exposures.

-доступен ап-дэйт гадлайна по меланоме:
Revised U.K. Guidelines for the Management of Cutaneous Melanoma 2010
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Prevention of Melanoma
A new mole appearing after the onset of puberty which is changing in shape, colour or size
A long-standing mole which is changing in shape, colour or size
Any mole which has three or more colours or has lost its symmetry
A mole which is itching or bleeding
Any new persistent skin lesion especially if growing, if pigmented or vascular in appearance, and if the diagnosis is not clear
A new pigmented line in a nail especially where there is associated damage to the nail
A lesion growing under a nail

Multiple elastomas in a 6-month-old child
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Mucocutaneous features of hand, foot, and mouth disease: A reappraisal from an outbreak in the city of Kolkata
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- психодерматология пока остается новым и неизвестным направлением для дерматологов даже в US
Psychodermatology awareness among dermatologists: Results of a mail survey
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A U.S. mail survey investigated the level of training in and awareness of psychocutaneous disorders (PD) among 102 dermatologists. Only 18% of respondents reported a clear understanding of psychodermatology and only 42% reported being very comfortable in diagnosis or treatment of such disorders. The most common PD disorders were reported as acne, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Delusions of parasitosis (41%), neurotic excoriation (24%) and trichotillomania (17%) were commonly reported. When asked whether they would be interested in a PD continuing medical education event, only 39% responded positively (Jafferany, M. et al. Int J Dermatol 2010, 49: 784).

- косметологические несч.случаи:
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Misadventures in Cosmetic Dermatology

Serum CCL23 levels are increased in patients with systemic sclerosis
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FDA Approves Low-Level Body-Sculpting Laser
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Dr.Anisimova 15.09.2010 14:14

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- опасность лазерной указки для детей(глаза)
Kids Playing With Laser Pointers May Be Aiming for Eye Trouble

Efficacy and tolerability of proactive treatment with topical corticosteroids and calcineurin-inhibitors for atopic eczema: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
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Conclusions: Vehicle-controlled trials indicate efficacy of proactive treatment with tacrolimus, fluticasone propionate, and methyl-prednisolone aceponate to prevent AE flares. Indirect evidence from vehicle-controlled trials suggests that twice weekly application of the potent topical corticosteroid fluticasone propionate may be more efficacious to prevent AE flares than tacrolimus ointment. Head to head trials should be conducted to confirm these results. Future studies are also needed to evaluate the long-term safety of proactive treatment of AE.

- проблема туберкулеза кожи
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- меланоскан
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Clinical pathway for melanoma detection using comprehensive cutaneous analysis with Melanoscan®
Rhett J Drugge MD, Chi Nguyen, Luciana Gliga, Elizabeth D Drugge PhD
Dermatology Online Journal 16 (8): 1

- интересное исследование: метотрексат и китайская медицина(нет подтверждения эффективности) :
Methotrexate versus traditional Chinese medicine in psoriasis: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial to determine efficacy, safety and quality of life
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Conclusions. Our results verify the therapeutic effect of methotrexate for the management of psoriasis. Despite widespread belief and use of TCM in Asia for the treatment of psoriasis, we were unable to confirm the efficacy of TCM in this study.

What’s new in psoriasis? Analysis of the clinical significance of new guidelines and systematic reviews on psoriasis published in 2008 and 2009
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Dermatophyte infections in Melbourne
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Dr.Anisimova 15.09.2010 14:28

Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen versus topical salicylic acid application for cutaneous warts in primary care: a randomized controlled trial
- криотерапия супротив салициловой:
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Interpretation: For common warts, cryotherapy was the most effective therapy in primary care. For plantar warts, we found no clinically relevant difference in effectiveness between cryotherapy, topical application of salicylic acid or a wait-and-see :) approach after 13 weeks. (ClinicalTrial.gov)
- для обыкновенных бородавок криотерапия более эффективна как вариант основного лечения. Для подошвенных: разницы особой не выявлено между крио- и салициловой и "жди-и-смотри":)
- новость прошлась по многим мед.СМИ:
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Dr.Anisimova 15.09.2010 15:25

- проблема нейрофиброматоза сложная и не только дерматологическая:
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Scalp neurofibromas associated with bone dysplasia

- гиперпигментированные кожные узлы у пациента после трансплантации почки и иммуносупрессивного лечения:
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Mycobacterium haemophilum: Cutanoeus Nodules in a Renal Transplant Patient
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- о микродермабразии:
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- гайд по профессиональному контактному дерматиту и крапивнице:
- Evidence-based guidelines for the prevention, identification and management of occupational contact dermatitis and urticaria[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
(для полного доступа нужна регистрация)

- такролимус при витилиго в сочетании с коротковолновым УФ-В позволяет уменьшить кумулятивную дозу, способствует репигментации
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- вит. Д важен; получение возможно через питание или дополнительно, только не с помощью загара(УФ)
Conclusions: Adequate intake of vitamin D is important for maintenance of good health, and may be achieved through diet and oral supplementation. Intentional or prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light should not be used as a means of obtaining vitamin D.
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Permanent make-up colorants may cause severe skin reactions
- перманентный макияж может быть причиной тяжелых кожных реакций
Conclusions: In light of the severe and often therapy-resistant skin reactions, we strongly recommend the regulation and control of the substances used in PMU colorants.
- с контролем в области косметологии не все так просто; по результатам многочисленных исследований регулярно рекомендуется более тщательный контроль за косметической продукцией

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